
Monday, January 2, 2012

Dance Like No One is Watching (even if everyone is)

Today, Alex and I discovered the real reason why we are married.  Not the reason why either of us wanted to get married in the first place, but what it is that makes us perfectly matched.

It happened in Kroger.  We were shopping for just a few random things we needed that we missed on our big shopping trip the other day.  Amelia was in a sling on my hip, and Alex was carrying the basket.  It was just your average shopping trip until Alex and I each realized (independently) that Kroger was playing Techno music. Seriously... real techno music, not the pop-song-remixed kind, but the kind you'd only hear at some weird bar with a mediocre DJ.  

So, naturally, we each started dancing like we were at some dorky mommy-and-me rave party.  (Do those exist?!)  It was simultaneous, unplanned, and pretty hysterical--to us, at least.  The people staring at us didn't know what to think, I'm sure.  And Amelia thoroughly enjoyed it.  Kid loves to dance!  But what happened to the elevator music they normally play?  Who cares!?  It was awesome.   

While I like to think that we each are pretty skilled dancers, we probably looked no better than Troy and Abed. 

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